2024 Dogs of Packrafting Photo Contest Winners
Thank you all so much for submitting photos and helping us choose the #DogsOfPackrafting (and cats too!) photo contest winners.
We had so many fantastic entries submitted during this year’s contest. Thank you to everyone who participated.
And the winners are...
Winner/First Place – Roma
Photo submitted by: Lilian Ho (@Alaskadood)
Description: Scenic float on Kenai Lake in Alaska with Roma.

Second Place - Finn, Milo, and Pippa
Photo submitted by: Amie Wu (@akwuufpack)
Description: (l-r) Serious Finn, grumpy Milo, unperturbed Pippa paddling in drizzly weather on Ptarmigan Lake, AK.

Third Place - Nutty
Photo submitted by: Meagan Maxon (@mmmmaxon)
Description: Nutty relaxing on Swaseys Beach after an epic run on the Green River.

Thanks again to everyone for participating whether that was by submitting photos, or voting. We really appreciate it and love seeing all of your photos! The next Dogs of Packrafting photo contest will be held next summer, so keep taking photos and submit them next year. Also, be on the lookout for our annual Calendar photo contest in September/October, we love dog photos in our calendar too!
Additional Photo Contest Finalists
Check out a few of the other awesome finalists that submitted photos (narrowed down to the top 7)
Photo submitted by: Marguerite H-Goodman (@margo_pogo)
Description: Pogo the Alpacapug!

Photo submitted by: Theresa Lester (@Tellis506)
Description: Nims can’t wait to get in the boat.

Photo submitted by: Joannie Artman (@topaz_dawg)
Description: Doug taking Wyatt for a paddle on Skilak Lake on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska.

Photo submitted by: Don Lester
Description: NIMS and Theresa at Antelope Creek on Lake Powell.

Photo submitted by: Craig Milliron
Description: Endo always uses our bow bag as his perch/platform searching for fish. This was on the Saco River in Maine.
Photo submitted by: Bailey Bremner @the_most_important_step
Description: Prima (pup) and TacoTrav paddling on Kenai Lake while completing a 200 mile multi-sport adventure in Southern Alaska.

Photo submitted by: Anna Marie Mattox (@annamariemattox)
Description: Kanaan, Benelli (pup), and I completed a trip across Admiralty Island in Southeast Alaska. The island has the highest concentration of brown bear per square foot in North America! Luckily with our bright rafts and spunky pup, we never saw a bear. Six days of rafting and camping.