Supporting Conservation
We have an obligation to protect the irreplaceable lands, waters, and wildlife for future generations to come and we do that through our conservation efforts. Below are just a few of the conservation initiatives and organizations we support.

Protecting Our Public Waters and Lands
Public lands and public waters are one of our greatest treasures. They provide sustainable fish and wildlife habitat, clean water and air, and so much more. They are a place where we can experience the natural environment and we are grateful to have them for a place to explore.
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is a place we hold near and dear to our hearts. It's a place we have spent a lot of time in and a landscape we feel deeply connected to. It is America’s last truly wild place, is not worth destroying for less than a year’s worth of oil.

Support Beyond Conservation
In addition to conservation, we also support a wide variety of non-profit organizations, schools, events, and courses, including, but not limited to:
- Adaptive Sports
- AK Mountain & Wilderness Huts Association
- AK Wild Sheep Foundation
- AK Wilderness Classic
- Alaska Trails
- Alaska Wilderness Classic
- America's Toughest Race - Bend Racing
- Anchorage Ski Club
- Animas River Days
- Arctic Ski Club
- Athena Adventures
- Backcountry Experience
- CalWild
- CA Women's Watersports Collective
- Canadian Packraft Roundup
- Climb Base 5Colorado Parks & Wildlife
- Colorado Water Trust
- Community Foundation
- Companeros: Four Corners Immigrant Resource Center
- CONAF, Chile's forestry and park service
- Cordova Chamber of Commerce
- Cristian Korte Memorial Swim Fund
- Denali Education Center
- Discovery Southeast
- Dolores River Boating Advocates
- Dolores River Festival
- Dolores Rotary Club
- Durango Nature Studies
- Eagle River Nature Center
- Elevate Outdoors
- Expedition Oregon - ARWS
- Fly Fishing in Maine
- Fly Fishing Main
- Flyathon Race Series/Running Rivers
- Four Corners Alliance for Diversity
- Four Corners Recycling Initiative
- Friends of Cedar Mesa
- Friends of the Verde River
- Friends of the Yampa
- Greater Dolores Actions
- Gunnison River Festival
- Habitat for Humanity of La Plata County
- Hospice of Montezuma
- Idaho River Rendezvous
- Institute of Arctic Studies
- Kachemak Bay Conservation Society
- Kennicott Wilderness Guides
- KSUT Public Radio
- La Plata Open Space Conservancy
- Mancos Chamber of Commerce
- Mancos CO Days
- Mancos Conservation District
- Mancos Cowboy Half Marathon
- Mancos Creative District
- Mancos Days
- Mancos Fire Protection District
- Mancos Food Share
- Mancos Library
- Mancos Public Library
- Mancos School District
- Mancos School to Farm
- Mancos Valley Brewfest
- Mancos Valley Dragon Fly PreSchool
- Mancos Valley Resources
- Mancos Youth Baseball
- Mancos' United Way
- Mid-Atlantic Hammock Hangers Association
- Montana Wilderness Association
- Montelores Association
- Montelores Early Childhood Council
- Montezuma County Economic Development
- Montezuma County Search & Rescue
- Montezuma Food Coalition
- Montezuma Land Conservancy
- Montezuma School to Farm Project
- Mountain Studies Institute
- Mountain Whiteawater and Paddler's Pub
- MT View PTA
- Mule Deer Foundation
- National Paddling Film Festival
- Native Fish Society
- Navajo YES
- Never Summer Adventure Race
- Northern Rocky Mountain Grotto
- Ocoee River Guides
- Onyx Adventure Racing - Team Onyx
- OUT There Adventures
- OUT There Oregon
- Painted Turtle Studio
- Portland Metro Habitat for Humanity
- Ridgway River
- FestRiverkeepersRivers & Birds
- Rosa Belongs Here
- Running Rivers
- San Juan Citizens Alliance
- Seven Canyons Trust
- Sheep Mountain Alliance
- Silver Stallion Bicycle & Coffee Works
- Six Mile Creek Whitewater Festival
- Smokejumpers Wellfare Fund
- Southeastern Wisconsin Trout Unlimited (SEWTU)
- Southwest Colorado Canyons Alliance
- Southwest Colorado Cycling Association
- Surya Zoba Studies
- SW Colorado Cycling Association
- SW Colorado Outdoor Recreation Alliance
- Team Liza
- The Bridge Shelter
- The Giving Tree
- The Pinon Project
- Trails 2000
- United Way of SW Colorado
- University of Wyoming
- Volunteers for Colorado
- Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado
- Washington Water Trust
- WaterkeepersWaterWatch of Oregon
- Wild & Scenic Film Festival
- Wild Sheep Foundation - AK
- Zorba Laloo