The Wild and Scenic Chetco River
Photos, Films, and Trip Details Provided by: Mike Curiak
Mike Curiak and his trip partner Gerard Ganey took to Southwest Oregon for an exciting adventure on the Wild and Scenic Chetco River. The Chetco drains an enormous chunk of the Kalmiopsis Wilderness and its headwaters are far from roads, making it difficult to reach even on foot—the perfect objective for packrafters.
Mike and Gerard hiked over a 24 hour period and paddled their Valkyries out over the next two and a half days. Check out a few photos and videos from this mission.

With snow still on the ground and many other obstacles, the duo hiked over a 24 hour period getting to their Chetco River objective, far from roads and not easy to access.

Ultralight camping at it's finest.

Gerard Ganey paddles the Chetco in Alpacka Raft's Valkyrie packraft.

Manuevering through the features of the Chetco River, designated as a Wild and Scenic River in Southwest Oregon.

Picture perfect paddling.