And the winners are...
Samantha Zim
Instagram Handle:
Samantha's design will be printed on our 20th Anniversary T-shirt.
Samantha is an illustrator in Southeast Utah. Her art reflects and expands on her personal experiences, many in the desert. You can see more of Samantha's artwork on her website at

Design Description: "Eddies and marbled whitewater swirl around a boater paddling an Alpacka Raft. Text below reads "Alpacka Raft, celebrating 20 years". Illustration was inspired by an incredible trip down the Salt River in AZ last week!"

Design Description: "I enjoy packrafting from the mountains to the deserts and everything in between. I've included some options for colors, etc. Sky's the limit on that."
Lauren Cat West
Instagram Handle: @Laurencatwest
Lauren is a designer, illustrator and muralist based in Philadelphia. Her work explores humor, nature and everyday life with a focus on simple forms, bright color and dynamic spaces. See more of her work on her website at

Design Description: "Moments amongst nature, while floating on the water."
Contest Judging
The winners were chosen by a blind panel of judges from several diverse organizations. Each judge was asked to rate their top five designs on a 1-5 point scale and the winning designs were determined by the most points awarded. There were so many great designs submitted and it was a very close competition. Thank you to all artists that submitted work for this contest (additional artwork submitted is shown below).
About the Judges
Josie Norris
The Conservation Alliance
The Conservation Alliance provides a link between businesses and the conservation community, enabling and inspiring companies, athletes and the outdoor industry to work together to protect the wild places vital to our businesses, our consumers, our economy, and our planet. Their unique approach of pooling together resources across more than 220 sponsoring members enables efforts to go further—allowing for doing more as a whole for our environment. 100% Of all partner donations used exclusively for land and water conservation initiatives including the legal protection of shared wild places.
Clifton Lyles
Team Onyx Adventure Racing
Team Onyx is the first all-Black expedition racing team representing the qualities and strength that comes from diversity. Comprised of a mixture of gay and straight athletes in our 20s, 40s and 50s from around the world. As individuals, Team Onyx is tirelessly testing the limits of body and mind. Together, they are changing the face of adventure sports.
Marcia Brownlee
Artemis Sportswomen
Artemis is a group of bold, impassioned sportswomen who are out to change the face of conservation. A program by the National Wildlife Federation, Artemis protects wildlife and the wild places in myriad ways to ensure they remain healthy and vital for ours and future generations. The organization participates in and leads service projects that restore and enhance lands vital to wildlife. They engage decision makers and land managers to seek outcomes and management decisions that safeguard fish and wildlife, and sporting opportunities. They push the sporting movement to adequately represent women and work to promote women’s leadership in the fish and wildlife fields. And, Artemis teaches others, especially young people, how to be holistic conservationists who know their sport, the processes that affect it, and how to make positive changes to ensure the future of our sporting legacy.
Abi Polsby and Julie Munger
Sierra Rescue International
Sierra Rescue International offers Expert Instruction in Swiftwater Rescue, Wilderness First Aid and Technical Rescue. Sierra Rescue is committed to providing a quality rescue class based on integrating information into practical skills while developing the ability to think through complicated wilderness and rescue problems. We integrate knowledge into practical field exercises that work on developing judgement as well as providing hands on training. We contract with the best Instructors in the industry to bring you the highest quality trainings.
Chad Brown
Soul River Inc. / Love is King
Soul River Inc. is connecting inner city youth and U.S. military veterans to the outdoors through incredible outdoor educational transformation experiences. By engaging U.S. veterans as mentors for inner city youth, Soul River Inc. believes that rich, powerful opportunities of healing authentically happen in the midst of Mother Nature. The organization believes that by connecting youth and veterans to our public lands, wild rivers and fresh waters, and beyond through genuine community, we will ultimately establish and inspire a new generation of outdoor leader ambassadors that will advocate for Mother Nature and conservation.
Love is King, Operation Roam provides an opportunity for BIPOC leaders to step into the realm of public land and freshwater conservation efforts and disrupt the historical system that allowed BIPOC voices of not being invited to government spaces where the decisions were made about land and wildlife and indigenous conservation policies. Through in the field immersion experiences, they will learn the threats the land is facing, meet with members of indigenous communities and various government and local stakeholders living there. After returning home, they will use their voices, talents, and skills to speak up and fight and fight for this land, its inhabitants and its wildlife and elevate their voices to provide diverse representation in conservation and helping policy efforts for public lands, freshwater and wildlife.
Additional Designs Submitted
We received some beautiful artwork from our contestants and we'd like to give a shout out to all of the hard work put into these designs. Below are additional entries received (listed in no particular order).

Artist: Margaret King Instagram Handle: @kingmargaret

Artist: Kayla Lopez Instagram Handle: @kayaklopez, @staysketch

Artist: Shea Coons Instagram Handle: @scoons8

Artist: Jeremie Lamart Instagram Handle: @injuringeternity

Artist: Abbie Elison Instagram Handle: @abbsolutelyyours

Artist: Regan Russell Instagram Handle: @Modest_ink

Artist: Katie McGuinn Instagram Handle: @ktemcee

Artist: Krista Beyer Instagram Handle: @krista.beyer

Artist: Gabriahl Flores

Artist: Fletcher Hamel Instagram Handle: @fletchlivesinUT

Artist: Tehya McLeod Instagram Handle: @borealroots

Thomas Langlet Instagram Handle: @Arthur_langlet15

Levi Oyster Instagram Handle: @levioysterart