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Meghalaya Rivers

Meghalaya Rivers


Meghalaya Rivers – By Zorba Laloo, Joe Rea-Dickins & Dan Rea-Dickins

“Good river guidebooks are a joy. They excite the reader with the possible, explain and describe the probable. They tell histories, both natural and personal. They inform and entice their readers without giving it all away. This guide to Meghalaya’s whitewater satisfies all these prerequisites, and does it in color with engaging maps too. It’s enough to send any whitewater enthusiast to this tropical paddling paradise.”

—Roman Dial

Packrafter Zorba Laloo teams up with paddling mates Joe Rea-Dickins and Dan Rea-Dickins to bring us this stunning guide to the whitewater, culture, and people of the Meghalaya region in North East India.  Filled with spectacular photos of both packrafting and kayaking – Meghalaya Rivers will inspire you to plan your next trip abroad to visit this gem.

Visit the website for additional details – and if you want to treat yourself to visual imagery of paddling in the Meghalaya state give Zorba a follow in on Instagram — @zorba.meghalaya