Stuff Sacks
Replacement stuff sacks are available in 4 sizes depending on your packraft model and configuration.
Note: We recommend storing your boat outside the stuff sack to allow it to breathe. Dry the boat and either hang it or fold it loosely in a cool dry place out of direct sunlight.
Stuff Sack Sizing Per Packraft Model and Build Configuration:
Open | Self Bailer | Spray Decks | |
Classic | Medium | Medium | Large |
Expedition | N/A | N/A | Large |
Mule | Medium | Medium | Large/X-Large |
GnarMule | N/A | Large | |
Mage | N/A | Large | Large/X-Large |
Gnarwhal | N/A | Large | Large/X-Large |
Forager | N/A | X-Large | N/A |
Ranger | N/A | X-Large | N/A |
Scout | Small | Small | N/A |
Caribou | Medium | Medium | Large |
Tango | X-Large | N/A | N/A |
Rendezvous | Large | N/A | N/A |
Valkyrie | N/A | N/A | X-Large |
Refuge | N/A | N/A | Large |
Ghost | Small | N/A | N/A |